Friday, August 20, 2010

Jocelyn's Kitchen Curtain!

I love love the red on red Polk-a-Dot curtains she just put up in her dining area. You must understand that I don't decorate with red, at all. It's a lovely color but I just don't. In fact I have this fabulous bedspread that is all dark red and fabulous and when I put it on my bed I loved it! But everytime I walked in my bedroom it just wasn't right. I'm not sure why. But Jocelyn loves the color and uses it with flair! Sorry about the phone :) Here's her before...

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Isn't that a nice spread of grass?

So when I make curtains it's pretty slap stick job- fast- but not perfectly-um-right. Now when my lovely sister Jocelyn makes curtains, we are talking perfection! Step one... Fold the fabric once, iron, fold the fabric twice, iron. Along each side of the curtain panel. I'm sure there is lots of pinning involved...

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Then make a big finishing fold on the bottom side...

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Along the top she used toole (is that how it's spelled) how creative! Her hubby doesn't like the rings- he thinks it make curtains look like showers - so the toole she placed with 4 inches between each one. Sewing each peice on with a fold on the bottom part, so that the top of the toole has 2 ends.

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Then she tied the two ends together around the curtain rod.

Many 90 inch sides later.... Cuteness!!

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Well Done Jo!


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