Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Family Motto + Old Ironing Board = ?

Ok so I've been wanting to do a family motto.  So that when someone in the family isn't behaving we can say, "What's our motto?!?!"  And so that we can feel like we have a purpose in our family.  Something that we strive for.  So we made the motto all together one (actually it took a few nights) evening and then I made this to display it-  

I found the ironing board at a thrift store a long time ago- like at least 5 years ago-  It started out a light brown.  So I stained it dark - IMG_2178

Obviously I outlined the wave... (note about waves- I really like them because they mean two things to me at least.  First they are constant.  I love the fact that they are constant.  Sometimes big sometimes small but always rolling against the shore.  That is a goal of mine to be constant.  Next they are beautiful and a gift from God.  The waves say to me, "Beautiful things don't just happen, they are made."


Then I painted the wave and using my friends Cruicit.  I cut out all these little letters and mod lodged them on.  IT turned out like this...


 Do you have a family motto??

1 comment:

  1. it kind of looked most interesting in photo 1, I'd have hung it as it was, but that's me. I never thought of waves as representing constancy before either, they seem the paradigm of motion, transience, change. Now I guess they represent two things for me then, constancy and transience, and the false dichotomy that those two ideas therefore are. I always think of the soul as a wave too, something that needs a medium (water, air etc) to exist, but can't be reduced to the medium.
    Do we have a family motto? Lots of family sayings, but no, no motto. God be with you guys
