A place of:
fun, love, laughter, delicious food, art, courage, healing, music and courage

I feel so grateful that I was included in this amazing event.

They hold it 5 times a year!!
What I love about Melody's classes is that they are so individual. Individual to your own needs.

At camp we talk, and dance, and create art, and eat amazing food, stay up late, share and learn.
I have learned incredible things about me, my truths, my soul.
I want every girl to go.

I have learned to stop believing the lies that we believe about ourselves.
I have learned to love unconditionally- you never know what someone else's story and pains are.

I have learned that everyone is creative! Even if they don't think so.

And I LOVE being staff!! It's incredible to see the cabin before and be a part of the change into a magical sanctuary.

I love watching the women come feeling broken, hurt and depleted and watching them have happiness come into their eyes. The eyes are full of love beauty and bravery.
This is my favorite part.
And I love the music.

Thank you, Melody and Kathy, for letting me be a part of this adventure.
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