Sunday, May 29, 2011

Being a Womam!

I came across this post

And I LOVE the thought of it....

When was the first time you felt girlie?

What makes you feel like a woman?

Why do you love being feminine?

I never really considered myself a girlie girl. The main reason being is because I don't wear makeup and I don't really like the color pink. (it has it's fabulous moments, but in moderation) But in all actuality- I am girlie.

I feel girlie when I wear stilettos. Walking on those tiny tips. The first time I really felt this was with my friend Nemiha - as teenagers we dressed up in short shorts and high heels (at my house one afternoon) and it was a ball! I felt sexy. For the 1st time.

I feel girlie when I am carrying a cute purse and when my hair is all just right.

I feel girlie when around friends and behaving all flamboyant like.

I feel girlie when I am in a dressing room and I find an outfit that is just- hmmmmm! So fabulous on!

I feel girlie shoe shopping (shoe trying on & shoe buying- not just shoe looking or shoe yearning)

I feel girlie wearing a bracelet(s).

I feel girlie when I am in a swimsuit with a sundress cover up (speaking of the sun I miss it)

I feel girlie getting a massage or a pedicure or facial not so much when getting my hair cut - to much pressure for small talk.

Those are wonderful feelings...

I feel like a woman when I am cradling my babies.

I feel like a woman when I am baking (especially when I wear an apron) but not so much when I am cooking dinner unless I am really excited about the dinner.

I feel like a woman when I am finishing a huge cleaning endeavor! When all the house is clean and everything in order.

I feel like a woman when i am taking care of my family with purpose!

I feel like a woman in an evening gown.

I feel loved as a women when I look at my wedding ring..

I feel like a woman when my man just holds me.

I feel like a woman when I go to lunch with friends

I feel like a woman when I planned and carried out a fun activity for my family.

I feel like a woman when I bring someone bread.

I feel like a woman when I wear a nightie.

I feel like a woman when my husband wants me.

Do you know what? Just because I love blue does t mean that I'm not girlie- I Am!!!

I love being a GiRL!!! I love having my man take care of me. I love taking care of him. I feel alive in my soul when I fully live my gender. I feel alive in my soul when I hug my daughters. I love being a mother. I love being a wife. I love taking care of myself in girlie ways and I love dressing in cute clothes, and I love creating a home for my family.

Of course there are times (sometimes many times a day) when I daydream about quiet beaches and a book or hiking in Europe and I wish my life were a bit more free than the demands it has but when I sit here I realize this truth. I love motherhood and wifehood and womanhood. I love my life that has been created for me. It has LASTING JOY.

What do you love about being a girl, a woman?
When did you realize this?
Do you remember a moment in time that you realized you felt really truly feminine?
I can't wait to hear!!!

Ps - my hubby said he likes that I'm a girl :) phew!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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